Selecting The Best Primary School & Playgroup For Your Child Selecting the best Primary School & playgroup for your child is undoubtedly a vital decision you must make because it is the initial schooling that will decide the future of your child's academic success and what they ma …
Effect of Lock Down On Preprimary & Primary Schools, Parents & Teachers When did you last visit a school? Well, whenever you did, visualize the scenario. It is a building that greets you with a lot of noise, the noise of students chatting, teachers laboring hard to maintain discipline in the …
Preparing A Child For Pre-Schools Is A Challenge A home for a kid is paradise, and the mother’s lap is the safest cradle to be in. Every child eventually enjoys being at school, but the beginning of schooling is something that every single child dreads. Preparing a child for pre-school is a challe …
Preprimary and Primary School Are Worst Affected Due To Lock downRecently I saw a video where a kid was praying to God to delete 2020 and re-install it as it had a bug or a virus.Well, jokes apart, it is a fact that the World in 2020 has been struck by Covid -19, the Coronavirus. It is proving fatal …
Why So Many Play Schools At All? I observed that there is a so-called play school in every colony, and almost everyone had a good number of kids on their Campus. When I started to mull over the question of why so many Play Schools at all, primarily I could come up with a few good reasons for this ph …